티스토리 뷰

이미지 출처: 유튜브 켑쳐

<공부자료 활용 법>

1. 책읽기

2. 줄거리 읽기

3. 줄거리를 아래 영어 줄거리와 비교해서 책 이해도 파악하기

4. 단어시험 자료도 업로드 될예정 입니다.


사용된 줄임말 Shortened Names in the Summary:




페이지 넘버 줄거리 Summary
  • Claudia comes up with a plan to run away from her family with Jamie because she believes that there is injustice tolerated within the family.

  • She chose Jamie because he saved up a lot of allowance money. Surprisingly though he had more than C expected due to his (cheated) gambling with his friend Bruce.

  • C finds an unused train ticket while emptying the wastebaskets in the house.

  • C and J leave with a backpack and instrument case full of clothes.

  • Jamie becomes in charge of the finance and urges Claudia to save money.

  • They arrive at the Museum and manage to sneak into the back door at night.

  • They had dinner in the Museum snack bar which was pretty expensive.

  • C sleeps on the bed which is a historical monument of some sort (where someone was stabbed to death).

  • Although they both can’t sleep right away because they are hungry and uncomfortable, they eventually sleep.

  • Jamie almost gets caught in the morning by the janitor but he talks his way out.

  • They join a school group during lunch.

  • They decide to learn about things in the Museum. Starting with the Renaissance.

  • The Renaissance section is crowded because of the controversial angel statue.

  • Jamie almost gets photographed in the New York Times.

  • The next morning they find out in the NYTimes that the statue is controversial because it could be the early works of Michelangelo. And the museum bought it at only $225!

  • Jamie and Cloudia decide to solve the mystery of the angel statue.

  • On Saturday J and C do their laundry and go to the library to research about Michelangelo.

  • Later they play in Central Park and eat snacks.

  • When J&C re-enter the museum and hide out, J overhears guards talk about moving the statue. 

  • He uses telepathy to tell C to stay put so that she doesn’t get caught.

  • Surprisingly this sort of worked…

  • Later they shower in the fountain and pick up the coins the people threw for wishes.

  • In bed they come to the conclusion that both of them are not home sick.

  • Jamie and Cloudia notice that there is an ‘M’ sign on the Angel statue.

  • They try to inform the museum officials about this via a letter and become heroes of the the day. 

  • Jamie’s classmates visit the museum.

  • They use a free-trial type writer to write out the letter and instead of mailing it Jamie gives it to a guard.

  • They rent a post office box (expensive) and wait for a reply letter.

  • The letter’s reply says that they already knew about the ‘clue’ J and C wrote about. 

  • This devastates C.

  • They catch a train and a cab to meet Mrs.Frankweiler.

  • Mrs.Frankweiler first does not let them in at first because she does not know them but she eventually let’s them in when they say that they came to ask about the Italian Renaissance.

  • Mrs.F straight away notices who they are and says that they were on mass media.

  • They ask Mrs.F about the angel statue and she answers it vaguely. 

  • She asks them about where they have stayed all week and they say it is a secret.

  • Cloudia takes a bath and Jamie accidentally spills the beans to Mrs. 

  • Cloudia gets mad about this.

  • After lunch Mrs.F gives them 1 hour to find the files about the angel statue.

  • They find a sketch of an angel signed by Michelangelo. C cries.

  • Mrs.F suggests a deal that she gives them the sketch in her will and they tell her about the specifics of their adventure.

  • Mrs.F says that she doesn’t want to give the evidence to the museum because they will turn her belief into facts.

    • She claims to be too old to learn new facts.

  • In the car back home they talked about how Mrs.F sold the angel statue (at a low price) for the fun rather than money.

  • They decide to visit Mrs.F whenever they gathered money and to consider her as their grandmother.

  • The author reveals that Saxonberg is C&J’s grandfather and Mrs.F's lawyer for 41 years.

  • Later the violin and trumpet cases full of clothes were found in the museum.

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