티스토리 뷰

이미지 출처: wonderthebook.com

사용된 줄임말 Shortened Names in the Summary:




페이지 넘버

Summary 줄거리



  • Wonder has a disfigured face.

  • His mother wants him to go to school while his father does not.

  • They go on a school tour.

  • Jack, Charlotte, and Julian show August around the school.

  • Julian is rude to August.

  • Eventually, A decides to go to school.

  • In school no one sits next to August and Julian tries to harass August again.

  • In English class they talked about precept(rules about really important things) and what are some important things in life.


  • In school August made a friend named summer. They sit together during lunch.

  • Although A did not have a bad day at school he cried in front of mom at night.

  • People in school eventually got used to A’s face.

  • A gets pretty close to Jack and thye hang together most of the day. 

  • On Halloween, A finds out Jack was only sitting with him because he couldn’t pull away from him and he was told by the principal to be nice to him.

  • Only a few people show up at A’s birthday party. Everyone had there reason for not attending except for Julian.

  • A eventually went home called in sick and did not even go trick-or-treating.

  • VIA

  • Via talks about how close she was with her grandmother and that she passed away.

  • Via’s friends have changed when they got into high school.

  • Via explains her shift in view towards her brother.


  • August kind of has a fight with Via because A doesn’t want to go to school, and Via is just telling him to suck it up if he wants to be normal.

  • Miranda called August and apparently told him that she misses Via.


  • Summer dislikes people’s attitude towards August cuz she genuinely likes him as a friend.

  • Summer gets invited to Savannah's  birthday party but does not like her group of friends.

  • S resolved the misunderstanding with A that she was being his friend because the principal asked him to.

  • Summer gives a small hint to Jack about why A is mad at him at the history fair.

  • Jack initially didn’t want to be A’s welcome buddie, but he decided to do it because his little brother’s reaction made him think how tough middle school would be for him. 

  • Jack actually like A and they become true friends, though this is ruined by Jack’s mistake.


  • Jack suddenly realizes what Summer’s hint meant in science class.

  • Jack punches Julian for bad-mouthing August and does the explain this to the principal because he thinks that it will make matters worse.

  • Jack makes up with A and apologies to Julian.

  • Julian's parents forgive Jack but think that August is the main problem.

  • When Jack gets back to school after break, Julian turns most of the boys in their class against Jack at the party.

  • Charlotte explains this to Jack.

  • J and A do the science project together.


  • Justin is Via’s boyfriend.

  • Justin really adores Via’s family because his parents are pretty neglective.

  • J feels bad for A but thinks the universe is fair because many people look after him.

  • J helps Jack out by scaring off his friend later on.

  • V is supportive of J being in the play and helpful too.

  • Via cries and tells J that she doesn’t want A to come to the play.



  • A gets hearing aid.

  • Family realizes that Via did not invite them to the play.

  • Dog Daisy dies.

  • Family makes up and goes to watch the play altogether.


  • Miranda gives up her role because while her parents did not come to watch the play, Via’s parents (+Auggie) did and Via was her understudy.

  • The reason why Miranda was not so close with Via is because Via is a lot more serious than Ella.

  • They shit-talked about Via.

  • Miranda also made up lies in her camp.

  • Her parents got divorced over the summer before high school.


  • A goes on the school trip to the nature reserve where they camp for 2 nights.

  • Julian isn’t going, even better!

  • He has fun(horse riding, movies) there and decides to write a letter to his parents and read it to them when he gets home.


  • A couple of 7th graders bully A and Amos, Jack, Henry, and Miles stand up for him.

  • They ran to the cornfield(?) and 

  • The news becomes a big deal when August gets back home and people treat him differently.

  • They have graduation and A gets a big award.

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