티스토리 뷰

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매직 트리하우스 멀린미션 시리즈 보다 한단계 더 쉬운 (일반) 매직 트리하우스 시리즈에요.

오늘은 시리즈에서 여섯번째 책인 Afternoon on the Amazon 자료를 준비해 보았어요.


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※J&A: Jack and Annie의 약자

페이지 넘버 줄거리 Summary
  • Peanut is a mouse pet Jack and Annie is carrying along with them.

  • J&A arrive at a rainforest. The tree house is located way up high this time.

  • They flee from the flesh-eating army ants by a canoe.

  • On the canoe they are threatened by piranhas, snakes, and crocodiles.

  • A monkey started throwing fruits at them. Later that monkey came with a wood stick and helped J&A get out of the river.

  • When J&A followed the monkey they found a baby jaguar.

  • When the mother jaguar came, J&A ran for their lives.

  • J&A learns about the vampire bats and decides to go home and come back another time.

  • When they can’t find their way back to the tree house, Peanut finds the way.

  • In the tree house they can’t find the Pennsylvania book.

  • When the monkey brings them a fruit, they find the Pennsylvania book and get home.

  • The fruit they brought was a mango.

  • They left Peanut and went back home. J&A talked about how all animals/insects aren’t exactly ‘mean’. Therefore, people should just let the rainforest be.

영어단어 한국어 뜻 영어단어 한국어 뜻
creature 생물 hurl 던지다
silent 침묵의 wade 헤치며 걷다
tree trunk 나무둥치 paw (동물의)발, 손
river basin 강의 유역 hemisphere 반구
shore 해안 predator 포식자
scaly 비늘로 뒤덮인 victim 피해자
tremble 떨다, 떨리다 grin 웃다, 웃음

댓글에 요청 있으시면 줄거리 한국어 번역도 올릴께요~


도움이 되셨다면 밑에 공감버튼 ♥ 한번만 눌러주세요!


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